Monday, May 28, 2012

Aim For Boredom

Aim for boredom... and find history...

I'm currently sitting in Lexington, KY... when I arrived this afternoon it was 91'... too hot to do the run I was hoping for, but not too hot to take a long walk and explore the cute areas I could see from my 12th floor window.

After walking for an hour, I'm determined to come back when it's not a holiday and everything is closed... Cute stores, lots of yummy looking restaurants...  BOO!!! Come explore with me!

First on my impromptu walking tour... an old burial ground used until the cholera epidemic in 1833... Love the old country church feel...

I follow the street and look around for the next historical marker... I'm on a mission to learn about the area I'm walking through... loving the old buildings... drooling over a few private homes... and I find the birthplace of Mary Todd Lincoln... Must I tell you who that is?  

Next to Mary Lincolns birthplace is the beautiful church I saw from my hotel...  A quick picture and off to look for more signs... sniff sniff sniff... which way do I go?

I find a not so thrilling looking older building but I LOVE LOVE LOVE the name of the place... the flags all say "The Village Idiot"... Hey y'all!  I found the home of the village idiot... Send all VI's here!  Back to their birthplace!

I make a right and walk down the street... and to my left a see a bunch of signs in front of a large building... Ooooh lets go check it out... It is the county historical building...  with tons of statuary and signage and I'm in hog heaven.

The water fountain I thought was adorable... and then I looked down... and saw that even in 1921, they were thinking about their dogs... a place for doggies to drink on walks too... how cute is that?

Next we come to John Hunt Morgan, who (on the back of the sign) became a patron of lost causes... Gotta love someone who fights for the underdog... and... he's on a horse... Is that because it's Lexington or because he was a small man who needed to feel taller on a horse?  :)

My final stop before it's time to go relax in my room and try to wind down and pass out for my 4am wake up call tomorrow... Is two interesting buildings side by side... I go in search of their corner stones (always on the older buildings it seems)... The taller building looks like the beginning of the cleaner Deco era... The shorter building looks Victorian/Gothic by the gargoyles...  I find the dates... The smaller building was built in 1891... The end of the era of Victorian/Gothic... and the taller building 1907... Right at the beginning of the cleaner Deco era... Damn I'm good.

I'm missing my antique dealer years I think... Our economy needs to get better so I can go back to my junkin days...

I love overnights like this... I need to come back here soon.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Aim For Stowaways

I just finished the most exhausting 4 day trip... One where everything that can go wrong can... Thankfully I had a fabulous crew, so it wasn't as painful as it could have been.  I finished off the trip with my boo waiting for me with the best Margherita Pizza and a beer... One of the many reasons I love the man...

We spent a relaxing morning together, finished with a little over an hour run around Piedmont Park... Then it was back home to my adoring kitty and beautiful tweeners...

I nearly hit my garage as I was pulling up the driveway, the gladiolas are almost in bloom... That would have been a rookie move... :)  Went to check out the back 40... God I love my garden this time of year.  It brings me no end of happiness.  Part of my lawn actually FEELS like a lawn... my weed and feed attempt last month must be working a bit... Gonna do another dose and see if I can get the rest to feel that amazing under bare feet.

My tomatoes are going to town... I can't wait to make sauces and salsa... mmm... yes boo... you get a bunch of your own fresh "Heathers Market" deliveries... I promise...

I went into my house where my sweet kitty immediately leaped into my arms, purring away and climbing into the nook of my neck where he loves to snuggle... I'm saying all that annoying cat lover things to my baby... when I realize I am hearing a distant cat meow... from INSIDE my house... I go to investigate this mewwww sound... and find it coming from my daughters room... Imagine my surprise when I open it and find a grey kitten... How long has this been hiding in my house dear heart?

A stray from my neighborhood, held captive in my house... I take pictures and post it on facebook on my neighborhood's page... and find out it's been hanging around the 'hood for a few weeks... Everyone is feeding it... Fabulous... I will feed it too... OUTSIDE.  I have a heart to heart with my dear daughter who thought she could bring one more animal into this house... Sorry baby the zoo is full... But I have an evil plan... and I start it in motion... I tell her we will join the houses feeding it... That she can love on it and play with it outside as much as she wants... and keep the food bowl full... I place the bowl NEXT to the chipmunk's hole... and think... this could be sooo much easier than buying a snake...  Nicholette... earn your keep sweet kitty, and I will ensure you grow fat.  :)

Trapping Chipper is off my list of things to do... Keeping a cute grey outdoor kitty happy on the top of the list... God speaks in mysterious ways... Now I've got to go speak to my daughter and make her clean and spray her room... God knows what Nicholette did through the weekend in it... ewwwwwwww... her brilliant idea, her room... her problem.

I still love my life... :)

Monday, May 14, 2012

Aim For Garden Pests

Ok this is gonna be a quick one...

The freebie tomatoes I received last night, I had to plant today because I knew they wouldn't survive 48 hours post transplant in pots... I was told these plants usually get insanely tall and needed cages... so, off to Lowes I went...  2 cages later... they are simply going to have to share...

My freebie tomatoes turned into $16 tomatoes... I decided I needed Basil (with all those tomatoes, Basil is a requirement)... and I'd try to tempt fate and bunnies one more time with another attempt at Okra... Last year the bunnies ate every batch I planted... I'm hoping my friendly dead rat snake got them all.  I also looked at the clearance rack and found two asiatic lillies on sale for $1.50 each... Thank you very much, one yellow and one orange Lily are now planted on my ridge.

This is what my ridge looked like today... All those deep read Lilies... LOVE them!  Next year the orange and yellow will bloom changing up the mix... :)

Speaking of freebies... I have volunteer Cilantro all over my garden... I do appreciate these herbs that chose to reseed themselves... Actually, I think the shout out has to go to the birds who eat the seeds and toss half of them to the wind...

Another freebie that is going mad is my butterfly bush... given to me when I moved here nearly 4 years ago... My boo and I cut it down to a reasonable size two months ago...  Today it's blooming all over and the tallest parts are about... ooooh 7' tall... Yeah, it's gonna need a haircut in the fall...  But it's beautiful now, and the birds love it as a perch waiting for their turn in the Ragle bath...

So far my veggies are being undisturbed by nature...  My two eggplants look fabulous...  The beans and peas are going to town.  It makes me believe the rat snake ate healthily prior to being hit by a car... If the bunnies come back, I'm buying a snake... lol...

The other day my boo told me it was time to trim back the tomato plants... He knows I HATE hurting my little plants... but I took a deep breath and stripped the lil babies down to their ankles... Hopefully, I've done a sufficient job... If not, boo can drive his cute tight lil butt up here and do the rest of the dirty work...

I can't remember the tomato type to the left... But the one on the right is an Old German.  Mr Sprechen Sie Deutch was stripped and attached to the fence...

My Juliet's were also stripped and attached to the fence for support.  These I've got down to a fine science.  Love my Juliet crops year after year... They give me just enough tomatoes weekly to make salsa... along with the cilantro and onions and peppers in my garden.  mmmm....

I planted the Lilies and all the veggies and herbs... attached the tomatoes to their cages, sticks and fences... Then I went to my neighbors and planted her rosebush that she received from our walk Friday night.  Green and thumb and Kelly go together like oil and water... I've become guardian of a knock out rose next door...  Thank God they tend to be self sufficient...  But I'm pretty positive I felt it shake when I planted it... ;D

Children are home now... It's time to make dinner and get ready for my day line tomorrow...

Peace out and pray for the knock out rose...

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Aim For Coffee Withdrawals...

What a perfect mothers day!
I started the day by waking up next to the man I love beyond reason...  Which, I'm sure others who are with the love of their lives will agree that this is a perfect way to start a day...

I drove home in time to teach my two beautiful children that I love madly, how to make me breakfast... and more importantly COFFEE... I've been saying for years that someone needed to learn how to bring me coffee in the morning... even moms should get a day off here and there and be pampered by their offspring right?
I've drilled into their very smart heads where the coffee is, where the filters are, and how much water and coffee goes into the pot before pushing start button... See Katie even has a smile on her face!  :)
CJ cut strawberries (and ate a few along the way)...
 Katie made the pancakes... she's become an expert flipper already.
Pancakes made, CJ added his strawberries and both kids got to do the whip cream.
I posted the final picture on my facebook page... and one of my favorite women in the world responded "I am WAY impressed! The Poos did nothing for me. In fact, I was the one getting up, making fresh squeezed orange juice for Tom, and writing bills for most of the day. Rainy days should be spent having multiple orgasms, lounging in bed, taking a hot tub with your husband/lover and drinking Frangelica....."
Well Ann... my sweetheart had to work... and it was time to force my children into household slavery... I'm looking forward to the summer mornings where I don't feel like getting out of bed and screaming to the first child who makes a sound "baby mommy's tired, go make coffee..."  Yes life is looking up, even if my boo can't always be around... :) 
After breakfast, I had time to bid for my June schedule for the job I love... and later a friend stopped by with more tomato plants for the garden I love...

All in all a lovely day... Just waiting now for the kids to go to bed and my boo to call me to say good night... The day is ending in reverse order...

I love my life.  :)

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Aim For Cancer

Last night was Forsyth County's American Cancer Society "Relay for Life".  I entered the relay in support of my neighbor, Kelly, who lost her husband, Allan, last year to cancer.  He was 37... Actually, not quite... they buried him on his 37th birthday.  Allan was a soft spoken, big bear of a man, a computer geek, and he and Kelly complimented each other perfectly... I knew him mainly as "Wilson", you know the neighbor from Tim Allen's show... the last year of his life, I spent many hours talking to him over the fence... giving him advice on what to do through each stage of cancer... I know too much about this sadly, because of my own experience fighting it, and my own experience being a care giver.

Kelly put together a team of 19 friends, together we raised somewhere around $7500... Our team sign says we are a 'silver team', but ACS made the signs a while back... by last night we were a 'gold team' in fundraising... Items were donated for raffles, for bake sales, for a bbq that we sold to other walkers.  Throughout the night, as some of us walked, my other team mates talked people to our camp site to sell those tickets, and baked goods, etc...  This is why I can't give you an exact number yet... money was still rolling in as I rolled out after walking six hours non stop... I walked until I literally couldn't stand anymore... my muscles were tightening up... I was fueled by the fight against this disease, and Monster energy drinks....

The night was full of emotional land mines... Walking into the fair grounds I was overwhelmed with emotion... As a survivor, I was in the first group to walk... The very first lap is only for survivors and care givers...  I had Kleenex in my pocket... I kept it together... barely... I saw one gal crying in the side lines, so I handed her some of my Kleenex... then as I got to my team tent I noticed Kelly still there... I ran into the tent and dragged her out... girl friend was doing this walk with me as she was a care giver.  She walked with me and said she didn't know she should be doing it as she didn't have a survivor... Really? Ok girlfriend, I divorced my care giver, so we're doing this lap together... because YOU belong in this lap as much as I do...  Handed her my last piece of Kleenex and we finished it together.

Shortly after the survivor and care giver lap, is a team lap, "a parade of teams"...

Where the survivor lap is charged with tears... the team lap is one of pride... We did this.  We got here and we raised money for this cause....  The smiles on peoples faces were infectious.  These teams raised over $255k last night.  Hell to the YES!

The walking continues through the night.  I walked pretty much non stop from 7pm til 1am.  I say 'pretty much' because I'm guilty of stopping periodically by the stage... A couple of times they where playing songs I couldn't resist...  Electric Slide and Do You Dance... yeah I DO dance... so I'd break off from the laps and dance my ass off for 5 minutes and then go back to my walk...  But that's part of of the night isn't it?  Remember.  Celebrate.  Fight Back.  The dance IS a celebration.  I'm alive.  I'm a survivor and yes I'm going to dance if there's music that makes my tail feathers shake.  :)

Let me show you what remembering AND fighting back looks like to people of this county....

It's quilts... it's team spirit....  In the themes of tents, the bake sales, the donations received...

Kissing booths  and other creative booths made... cute and silly gestures for people to be part of... wishing wells...
My favorite booth of all last night... Tell me this one isn't creative... I think I'd like the person who designed it... They have my sense of humor...  It was a ping pong ball toss... ROFLMAO!

To whoever designed it... Thank you for a good chuckle!  You get "most creative" award... :)

It's more sobering moments of reflection too... When you walk these laps you are walking next to nearly 1000 luminary bags.  Each bag is 'in honor' or 'in memory' of... each bag has a name on it... that's nearly 1000 people that have fought this battle... and each of those people had caregivers... family members that had to go through and survive their own personal battles of fear, sadness, and overwhelming grief.

Everywhere you look, these bags are around you... around the track, in the "Garden of Hope", near the barn... You look... you remember... you grieve... you celebrate their lives and your own... you become incredibly THANKFUL for another day.

One of the most moving parts of the event is the when these bags are lit for the night.  The luminary ceremony.  It's an hour where the lights go out in the track.  All 1000 bags were lit... All of the participants holding a candle... a list of names scrolls on the stage... a bag piper plays "Amazing Grace" as you walk silently around the lap and pray.  I prayed for a newer friend of mine during this lap... Her father is currently in hospice today... When I purchased a bag this week... I didn't purchase it for those I've lost in the past year... they were on my team banners... This was a new candle that needed to be lit... a new person I needed to send positive juju to... 

Something also came to me during this hour...  Let me let you in on a little secret.  Are you ready for it?  Ok, here it goes...

I can be an idiot at times...

Yes I know that's surprising to you all... But it's true... I have a tendency to downplay what experiences I have gone through.  I don't give myself the credit for what I have survived.  For example:  I was in a domestic violence relationship in my early 20's.  I freely admitted that after I left.  I knew I had been.  I didn't think it had been 'all that bad' because I left when he hit me.  It took me many years to realize the emotional trauma I'd gone through TIL that moment.  Waking up to the smelling of my private areas in the middle of the night to insure I hadn't been with someone else... the shaking until I had finger print bruises on my arms and no will to argue... the dictating of what I could and couldn't wear (nothing too sexy, nothing too short)... the total wear down of my ego until I became a mild mouse... the anger and removal of love if someone looked at him or me wrong... the friends he shut out of my life... etc...  One day I had an epiphany and realized that I had given less credit to the damage that man did to me for the year leading UP to the day he hit me... that somehow I had minimalized it, and made it OK for the emotional warfare he put me through.  It took me years to get back to the strong independent spirit I am... and I still have PTSD from parts of it...

Last night I had another epiphany...  I have downplayed my own experience of being a cancer survivor.  I have felt guilty admitting to being a survivor because I didn't have to go through chemo or lose my hair... that I didn't go through the same amount of horror my fellow survivors did.  During the luminary ceremony, a couple got up and described their experience of what they went through when they found out the husband had Leukemia 9 years ago.  In listening to that experience, I had so many similar memories I thought... WTF... I DESERVE to be happy and proud I survived...  The damn t shirt I'm wearing I EARNED.  So what if I didn't go through chemo and lose my hair... I spent weeks crawling on the floor to get through my house as I prepared to go through the radioactive treatments I DID go through.  For three years in a row, I left my children for a week... the first time they were 1 and 3... how do you explain to children this young, that the mommy that stays home with them 24/7 has to leave for a week because she can't hold you or be near you FOR YOUR SAFETY, because she's going to literally be radioactive?  As a mommy who IS home 24/7 with two babies that are her life, how do you TEAR YOURSELF AWAY from your babies and not hold them for a week?  And then worry when you do return home that you might have enough radioactivity left in your body that you might still do them damage?  I didn't taste the taste of chemo, but I DID taste the taste of radioactive iodine... I had the nausea... the metallic horrid taste in my mouth for a week... the exhaustion... the isolation... I had two operations...  I had to be told I had cancer... I KNOW that moment... how I survived the doctors visit and managed to get through it and outside before I puked by my car... Three years later, when I was told I had to go through the radioactivity one more time, I remember sobbing quietly in my dining room, not having the strength to put on the happy face because all I just wanted to do was be healthy and done with this all...  I remember being told after that last radioactive treatment that I couldn't do it again... because I had nearly my lifetime supply of radioactivity and I was in danger of getting Leukemia in the future.

To "cure" a person's cancer you have to nearly kill them.  They are left fighting this near death experience in hope of coming out of it and being a better and healthier you.  I came through it 9 years ago.  I AM better... in so many ways... I am a better person.  I am less bitchy, and complain less.... I have had my lesson on respecting my daily life... I know each day is a gift.

I walked six hours last night...  in memory of all the people I have lost... in memory of my own battle and the battle that my fellow survivors went through... I walked in gratitude of the friends and family who donated to this cause.  I know that until the 1940s there were no 'cures', no extended percentages of survival... with the money we have raised over the last 70 years we have funded research, extended peoples lives, made their quality of lives better while fighting cancer - my mother was a FDA lab rat during her own battle... she was one of the first humans to take Emend, an anti nausea drug now common to cancer patients today... Your money let my mother never be nauseas...  your money gave me a normal life expectancy... and god willing, your money WILL find a cure, so we don't have to have "memorial" walks, only walks of honor...

I AM HOPE damn it!  You all create HOPE.

Thank you, and god bless each and every one of you that supported this walk, and my walk last October... and who will support future walks I do...   Until there's a cure.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Aim for Mole Hills Before They Become Mountains

This has been one of those weeks where I seem to keep tripping over mole holes... it's been a struggle to physically and emotionally survive...

Not knowing where to start today's blog, I sat outside and watched as my sprinkler watered my garden...  Cardinals singing "cheeeeeeer reep reeep reep reep reep reep...", sun shining... slowly the bits and pieces of my life pulled together for a story....
Chipmunks... The sweet little guy from last year is officially out of hibernation... I know this because he's back to building chipmunk freeways in my garden.  He's been lovely entertainment for Avery and my three not so blood-hounds... but this year, ChipperMonkey must go... Decision made, I'm going to borrow my dads friendly catch and release trap... and Chipper is going to find himself in a new home, in a park, on the other side of the freeway... SOON.

Cancer...  Tomorrow I walk the Relay For Life in Forsyth County... I do this as a survivor, in honor of my neighbor Allan, who died last year.  Cancer scares me.  I've watched too many people suffer from this horrid disease.... myself included.  I've become quite aware of all my body parts.  I listen when I don't feel well, because I know this disease is one best caught early.

I have had a sore rib since October.  I had a PA look at it at my PCP's office.  He didn't feel anything and suggested it was a muscle rubbing my rib..."Come back in two months if it still hurts"...  In February, my PCP did a full physical on me, and he didn't feel anything there either...  "The PA was probably right"... Probably right doesn't instill confidence in me.  My girlfriend, Dilek, who died of cancer 9 years ago was told she had a virus for months... by the time they figured out that 'virus' was stomach cancer, it had spread.

Life moved on since February... I've been busy... but my rib has continued to bother me.  I promised myself this weekend, as I was holding it standing in my galley on my barbie jet, that I would take the time off this week to get it looked at again...  I'm not happy it still hurts seven months later...  Last night as I was drifting off to sleep, I remembered my PCP saying the only thing on the left side of your body is the spleen... and it occurred to me that maybe I have an enlarged spleen... so I looked online to see what could cause it... Leukemia was one of the primary causes... and I've been told that the amount of radiation I had during my cancer treatments could bring on Leukemia later... Dread immediately filled me.  I researched more and couldn't find any other symptoms that I could be possibly feeling for Leukemia to be the answer... but I AM at risk for it... So I made the decision to talk to my endocrinologist today about it...  It was my bi-annual post cancer follow up.  He knows my family history... he knows my history...

After talking to me and prodding my rib exactly where it hurt, he said he believes I have a torn rib cartilage, (costochondral separation), which is one of the most difficult injuries to heal, because it cannot simply be placed in a cast.  So yes, 7 months later, I can still be feeling discomfort... but bless his heart, he's ordered a chest scan and extra blood work for me so we can be sure, instead of sorry.  Love him.  I will sleep much better tonight... and in the future, knowing I'm waiting for my rib to heal vs wondering if I'm sitting on a mole hill that will become a mountain because I ignored it.

                                                               Commitment...  If love isn't full of mole holes, nothing is.  Two people working to become a team, a partnership due to attraction, love and friendship...  It's so easy to get tripped up in your own knee jerk reactions that you can trip over each other and bicker with the one person that makes your heart sing.

I've spent the week tripping all over myself and him... Looking like Elaine on Seinfeld dancing... By the end of my long overnight in SDF, I was on the road to smooth moves, and after feeding a tranquilizer via my therapist today on the last little bits of discomfort I had experienced, I'm ready to tie it all up in a little bow and push it in the garden to fertilize the plants with the shit I shouldn't have let bother me, nor he him.  C'mere baby... want to see how well I can move now...?  I have some slow dancing to show you...  After a round or two of Train and Jimmy... ask me what finally brought me peace the other night... I KNOW it'll make you smile...

I know you're sitting there wondering if we're still icky... for my part, know it's safe... As I sat in my garden listening to His Holy Eminence (The Cardinal), and planning the near future move of my Chipper tenant, I realized I needed to reach out in words to you, and smooth your return to me.

Let me simply say, in staring at my now growing lawn...  It came to me... the grass may look greener on the other side of the fence to some... to me, the grass only looks greener when you're sitting next to me... with that thought, I got up to write this blog for you... ilunmum

When it Starts To Rain - Jimmy LaFave
I think of you when it starts to rain
Shadow dancing across your yard
While your folks fall fast asleep you move
Beneath the moon and stars
I think of you across the highway miles
In places that you’ve never been
I think of you when I feel at peace
I think of you when I need a friend

I think of you in the morning light
Waking to your sunlit smile
I think of you when you go away
Even for a little while

I think of you like an angel’s song
Plays so softly in my head
Keeps me safe deep inside my dreams
As I lay upon my bed

I think of you almost all the time
I think of you in the night and day
I think of you in a million unsaid words
I think of you in every way

I think of you and the lonely years
I think of you through the passing days
I think of you so wild and free
And I hope you always stay that way

And I think of you and your photograph
I keep beside me in the night
And sometimes when my darkness falls
I hold you close to feel your light
I think of you when it pours down rain
Shadow dancing across your yard
Hand in hand with your shadow little angel
You move beneath the moon and stars

I think of you in the morning light
Waking to your sunlit smile
I think of you when you go away
Even for a little while
I think of you when it starts to rain
I think of you when it starts to rain 

p.s. check it out... this iris is about to bloom, but that thing we divided that we got for almost nothing, and just figured was 'end of season'... it's about to bloom too... see under the birdie bath?