Saturday, April 26, 2014

Aim for Economics Paper

This morning I woke up at 8 with a warm furry purring cat on my chest.  We had a discussion about me needing to get up.  Avery fought valiantly to keep me down.  I HAD to get up because today IS the day I slotted in my crazy schedule to write my 20 page Economics paper due this semester.  Last night I even made a point of telling my girls (Cherie and Angie) that I had to hunker down and write today... Don't call or show up.  I need to WRITE darn it.  Today is THE day!!!

I got up, made my coffee, cleaned the kitchen and changed my refrigerator water filter.  Then I spotted the plants I bought yesterday to replace those that bit the dust in our late frost last week.  Now or later?  I grabbed my gloves and a shovel, and planted those along with the peppers I have been raising in my kitchen.  I hoed the aisles and weeded the veggie/herb garden.  Then watered it of course...

I remembered the other seeds I have that I haven't cultivated yet...  So I cleaned out my peet containers and set them up again for the next go round...  and planted those seeds...  a few types of peppers and a few hydrangeas coming soon hopefully...

Oooh, what is that I spy in the garden as I place the peet trays on the table....  Must go look...  The next round of daffy's and Iris's are starting to bloom.  Gotta go take pictures.

I love Iris.  Probably one of my favorite flowers on the planet.  Majestic and gorgeous!  This one is one of my favorites in my garden.  If I kept the gardeners log that my mom keeps telling me to keep, I'd know the name of it...

So now I am back inside at 10:45... Sitting with a cup of baileys and coffee and eating one of my baked oatmeals... Cherie and Angie have been texting me since 9:39 (they listen well)...  and Cherie (who also has a paper to write) has already called me on the way to go for a bike ride...  My first words were "There is a STRICT moratorium on you contacting me today.  I told you that!".... Yeah she laughed and kept talking... sigh.

Now I'm at an impasse as I sip my coffee... The book I need to reference to start the Economics paper is upstairs in my room...  Next to the pile of clothes I need to fold... I am a MASTER procrastinator... The moment I walk away from this blog, I'll be folding clothes instead of writing the paper...  and maybe I'll go for a 6 mile run too... so I can figure out how to be inspired enough to write about inequalities...

Pray for me... 

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Aim For the "tude"

A new acquaintance posted this today and I smiled wistfully as I read it.  Truth in every word...  but today is a good day... it's a lazy morning day that soon will be filled with an early family Easter gathering...

As I sat here with Avery purring on my lap trying to convince me to not start working on my papers (purr do not look at the light box... purr oops did I just hit random keys that made your screen disappear... purr), I spoke to a friend on the phone, looked at other friends updates on Facebook and listened to the clothes washer humming down the hall...  Normal peaceful day... and then someone got snippy.   Grrr... I'm not going to let that moment rule my day so I'm going to quickly expunge it and another moment from last night in a blog vent....

I'm constantly told I have a big heart... a good heart... that I care too much...  it's what everyone loves about me... and what some people hate about me..

Yesterday I was told that I shouldn't care so much about work.  I had made a simple observation with a loved one that the catering in Detroit sucks and that it sets flight attendants up for failure.  If my aircraft repeatedly doesn't get catered then I am unable to provide the level of service my passengers expect.  I have pride in my job.  "Well if the company doesn't care why should you?"  The day I don't care about how my job is done is the day I will quit.  I am great at what I do.  My passengers love me and hug me as they walk off my plane.   Don't tell me I shouldn't care.  The conversation went on and I finally asked why we were having a debate over whether I should care?  It's ME.  I CARE about people.  "That's what I love about you and sometimes it also drives me nuts..."  That's why you have a job that doesn't deal with people because you don't have that capacity.  Back off...

I go above and beyond for people on a daily basis... Again, it's who I am.  I encourage, support, listen, give helpful feedback.  It's why I was a great Union Rep.  So when people that know me mistake anything I say as anything other than supportive and loving, I want to pull my hair out.  Ouch really?  Look at the source and think, did Heather really mean it THAT way?  Breathe before you get snippy with me.  I care until I get hurt.  When I or a loved one gets hurt by someone I shut down shut out and move on.

I love the world but sometimes I just want to smack y'all up the side of your head.  I'm going to let this all go now... and drink more coffee, shower and get dolled up for my Easter.  If Mandella could forgive his oppressors, I can forgive your momentary lack of sense.  Christ died for your sins and he rose again on Easter.  I'll be forgiving y'all for your sins in inadvertently hurting me.  Today.

Peace Out.