Sunday, February 23, 2014

Aim for Stress

My blog rises from the ashes to be dusted off and resumed...

I have spent the last week counting my blessings.  Over and over I have seen how God gives things to you as you can handle them.  Things happen for a reason and when they happen there is a purpose in His message.

A year and a half ago I took on the task of fighting for the coworkers I love.  For those of you that know me well you know that I love with my heart and trust more than I should... I care about things too much Mark says... I don't know how not to care.  I spent a year and a half of sleepless nights waking up at two in the morning trying to solve the worlds problems while being beat up from all sides.  I loved being able to help my friends, yet the stress was eating me up.  I didn't have time to run and gained 20 lbs.  I worked 24/7 and slept little.  I haven't had a true vacation in two years as my downtime has been at UMass getting my Masters Degree.  My stress was affecting everyone in my life, yet I'm not a quitter so I fought on to keep doing the job to the best of my abilities... each morning taking one step forward.  Last week I was told my position was over 6 months early due to lack of funds.  I slept that night and every night since.  I've run 5 miles a day and have lost 13 pounds.  I am happy again.  To whomever thought they were hurting me by pulling those funds... Thank you.  While I'm disturbed that my group has lost representation at the negotiations table, I am at peace and have found myself again.  So again.  Thank you for the blessing of peace.

I am blessed because during that year of stress I met one of my closest girlfriends.  She of the "Don't let the Maybelline fool ya" claim to fame.  She's strong, and beautiful inside and out and tells it like it is so you better be tough enough to listen to the truth.  Her and Mammache are what I take away from the year and I am incredibly thankful.

I am blessed because I'm surrounded by many amazing women here in GA.  They are all strong and ferociously loyal.  What would my life be without Mormons and New Yorkers?  Empty that's for sure.  Love you guys.

I am blessed because I am loved.  I see it and feel it daily. I know what love is and I know it's not always easy.

I am blessed because my children are happy and healthy. I'd be a little more blessed if the lil cyclones of dirty clothes and dishes learned to clean up after themselves just a wee bit more... ;)

Because I count my blessings I volunteer for charity when I can... whether it's fundraising for a run, a walk, or any other charity events, I believe in giving back as much as possible.  Thus I was happy as a pig in mud last night when I was able to doll up and join the volunteers for the Red Dress Party raising money for the American Heart Association.  An amazing event put on by a small group of people.  I'm thankful to have been allowed to be a part of it.  I've been smiling ear to ear all day looking at the pictures of the event.

I am blessed that because I was at the event I ran into a friend I haven't seen in a few years... she mentioned that she used to read my blogs all the time.... and I realized, hey, I'm not in my position any longer... I can write til my little heart bursts with happiness... I so miss writing... So today I start again... and I'm grateful.

Now because I know
God listens... I'm going to go take my blessings and count them in a hot bath with a glass of wine and savor the moment... and because I can't sit anywhere without my mind a racing, I'm going to talk to God about how I can increase my blessings by finding enough spare cash to have a matching SLO cuff to go with my amazing SLO necklace that I rocked on the red carpet last night with my Maybelline Queens.  Sisters in SLO baby...

Life... is... good.  Peace out!

1 comment:

  1. Awee I love that you are writing again, im happy you are happy...and so blessed God gave you to are such a blessing
