Saturday, March 29, 2014

Aim for the Race

Sometimes you’ll never know the true value of a moment, until it becomes a memory.” Maira Nari, daughter of Chief Flight Attendant Andrew Nari, Malaysia Airlines Flight 370

 The news is chock full of speculation on MH370.  Daily talks by industry "experts" ad nauseum have drug the pilots names through the mud with discussions of possible terroristic acts and/or pilot error with absolutely zero evidence and 100% speculation.

The families of the passengers and crew have had this mindless chatter in their ears for weeks.  It's everywhere you turn.  Some of the comments the public has made has left me wanting to punch someone in the throat.

"Can you trust your pilots?"  Yes, I do on a daily basis.

"The MH370 pilot must have been a relative of a certain US president."  Speechless really.  That person needs to put more aluminum foil on their head as the aliens speaking to them aren't coming in clearly.

Amidst all of this I wonder about the crew.  Something went wrong.  Very wrong.  If the altitude and directional changes reported are correct, they had time to know something was very wrong.  I've thought about this alot in my down time.

I love my job and I know realistically that it's safer than commuting in a car on a daily basis.  Thus if I ever find myself in their unfortunate shoes will I have any regrets?  Maybe.  "Damn I shouldn't have picked up this trip..."  Probably my last thoughts would be missing my children graduating from school, getting married, and not being there for any grandchildren... I would be thinking about them and how proud I am of them and much I love them with all my heart...

I'd think about how lucky I've been to have the family and friends I have in my life...

Lastly, because it's how I go to bed nightly, my last breath would be "Mark"... as it has been for nearly six years.

So my loved ones... If this ever happens to me... Know how much I love you and how much I am grateful that you are in my life.

My epitaph should read "Her children were her world... She loved with all her heart, listened to her soul, followed her dreams and appreciated the gift of another day (after coffee)..."

God bless the souls lost on MH370, their families and loved ones.

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