Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Aim For Fat Cells

I'm on day 4 of my trip.  It's been a great trip in that my other flight attendant has the same sense of humor that I do... we've been laughing the whole time, which makes everything easier in my job.  The only thing I wish was different was more down time... I was able to get in a quick 3 mile run the other morning on a treadmill (boo hiss ugh!)... today was the first day I had enough time to hit the streets...

Our hotel in downtown Birmingham is great.  I asked one of the doormen which way I should run for good views, old buildings, etc... "Oh just go up this street and turn left on Highland"...  I didn't really think about the two clues he gave me as he said that statement... UP and HIGHland...  VERY hilly.  Two hours later, my butt is already feeling the pain... but it was a gorgeous 5 mile run and I know the running and the hills will continue the downward trend my scale has shown... my pants are looser.  I've kept 5 pounds off since I started my training and eating right again...

I ran through Little Five Points South... the first street car neighborhood in Birmingham... then turned left onto Highland as instructed...  Love love LOVE the architecture... ran by two dream homes...  One was being remodeled, the other, the Bradshaw House, circa 1892.  The green bronze roof and stained glass windows... turrets... I had to wipe off my drool as it was interfering with my sweat.

Further up the hill I came upon Caldwell Park.  I ran into the park and around the loop a few times, stopping to jog in front of the sign for the Little Theater...  http://www.virginiasamfordtheatre.org/history.html

All the old buildings and big weeping ancient oak trees made me long for an older home in an established neighborhood.  One day, I will get a home like this, near the water that I miss desperately.  When my children are out of the house, I will find this somewhere... just have to decide the where... or maybe... on a run someday the where will be discovered by accident as I run by a house for sale that screams my name and calls me home...

This is going to be a long week for me as I am working like a mad woman to have time off to take my daughter to be spoiled by my mother in California for her birthday... By the time I get to my mothers house, I'm sure I'll only have enough energy to whisper one word... "Cosmo" as I fall onto her couch... My stepfather will immediately revive me with that magic password, by handing me his magic elixir... I'll have a week at "home" with my kids and parents... near water... and will be rejuvenated like nothing else can...

The other day I walked my sweetheart to his plane that was taking him to his overnight. Four hours later he snuck up behind and grabbed me. After listening to the story about why he was there, I gave him a big hug and kiss and sent him off so I could go back to work. The moment he walked away I started shivering uncontrollably and it took four hours for me to calm down.  I had time to think of how close I came to one of my biggest fears... losing him.  I've never had that sort of physical reaction to the POTENTIAL of a loss.  I now understand my stepfathers face everytime my mother's body decides it wants a hospital break.  The utter terror, even after you hear they are going to be ok... Dear God, I know my blessings. You don't have to scare me to have me hold tight to what I have.

Stock up Prof... I'm going to need alot reviving... :)

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