Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Aim for Lethargy

I am blessed. There is not a single doubt in my mind.  Some days my blessings are positively overwhelming in their abundance. This morning I woke up in Bangor, Maine. The sun was streaming across my bed.  As I fought consciousness, I peaked at the time and stretched. I had nowhere to be before 4pm and I lay in one of the most comfortable hotel beds ever.  Finally I got up and peered outside.  The view from my hotel window began a grin that that stayed with me all day... The sky was blue, the river was gorgeous.  The inspiration to run was in front of me.

I ran 5 miles, following the river as I went.  Running past Victorians and Salt Box homes, and grinning like a mad woman.  During my run it occurred to me that in 4 days I had put in 22 miles of training.  My runs are getting faster, easier, and longer.  Today the weather was perfect, topping off at 75'.  I could have run farther but as I ran I made other plans.

I returned to my room with a burning need to go back out again.  I showered and did what I always do... Went for a long walk around the town thru which I just finished running.   I wanted to look closer at the history and homes of today's 'modern' Bangor.  Cataloging my memories by taking pictures on every other corner.  I knew I'd be blogging my day, because perfect days like this deserve an honorable mention.

As I walked through the town I received a slurry of texts from a friend who is in a new relationship.  We both feel this guy is a keeper.  I'm sending her back sage advice on how to make it work.  How once you decide that this person is "it", you have to put your ego and pride to the side and focus on your end goal.  Where your norm during tough times might be to say "bite me" and walk away, your new norm must be to ask yourself each time who you are hurting by letting your ego talk for you.  Her response was "I get it.  It's better to be happy than right all the time"... Exactly!

Days end... in a new hotel room, in a new city (Houston)... I'm curled up in a large decently appointed bed... I reread the text that was waiting for me when I turned on my phone... My man had sent it to say how much he loves me, how he thinks about me all the time, and asked if I have a clue how much I truly mean to him...

Yeah baby... I know... Thank you for finishing my day with the ultimate reminder of how blessed I am.  <3

Inspire me more! Donate to my 1/2 marathon by clicking HERE. Help others be blessed today. :)

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