Thursday, August 16, 2012

Aim For Critics

I was blessed to have two late reports on my last work pairing (trip).  This enabled me to run 5 miles each morning before I got ready for work.  I ran in Fayetteville, NW Arkansas, along a long flat road, and in Chattanooga, TN, I headed for the hills.  I found the road kill along the way amusing.  Only in the south will you run past dead armadillo and snakes.  Made me wonder what was lurking in the bushes and high grass fields I was running by.

My captain, for this trip, remarked at how 'shocked' the trees looked in both cities due to the drought.  Both times I agreed with him, but it struck me how I had never noticed the trees during my runs as I had been looking down.  I remembered smiling at all the delicate ground cover...  little purple floss flowers... sweet potato vines... star flower... and more...  Drought?  What drought?  Signs of drought are there to be found but I wasn't looking for it, therefore I didn't see the ugliness he saw.

On the plane day two, it came out that both the captain and I are... are you ready for this?  Liberals.  I laughed at the captain and said "A liberal in the flight deck?  It can't be!

The FO said, "I'm sorry, we can't be friends now."  Of course we all laughed...

I was telling this story to my boo later that night and he pointed out that is a difference between liberals and conservatives.  Liberals amass friends from all walks of life because they respect and accept different opinions.  Conservatives will write you off for being a liberal bleeding heart.  What my FO said, you'd never hear out of liberal's mouth.

I guess that's why I fit the bleeding heart liberal image.  I hear drought and how bad things are and I look and see the beauty still around me.  I have left my mind and heart open to finding beauty everywhere and in everyone.

I'm rewarded with a multitude of blessings... including finding a $20 bill on one of those runs.  It's been donated to the American Cancer Society... under the 'from', I put "God".  I figure if rain is a blessing from God for the drought, then finding money during my training run on a Sunday is his way of saying "You GO girl!  Count me IN!"...

If you want to join God the link to donate follows... ;D

I'm doing the hard part, running 13.1... You can do the easy part by clicking here now and donating!

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