Friday, February 17, 2012

Avoid The Squirrels

I've decided to take a break from blogging about my personal ups and downs. I've closed my "Just So" blog for the time being and am going to focus on my garden, children, and four legged beasties... Let me close the other blog saying simply, I'm happy, content and am focusing on counting my blessings...

Last night one of my close friends posted on facebook that she'd hit a squirrel and was devastated. My sarcastic, nay witty, comeback was "Aim For Rabbits"... Squirrels are cute fuzzy creatures that do no harm to your garden. Rabbits, from late February to November are the bane to any gardeners existence. If it might look good on your plate, know the rabbit family living in your backyard will think it is an appetizer.

I find solace in my garden... I always have... today I stepped outside into the almost balmy 60' winter air and started to unclutter the dead of winter... what I found under the brown leaves was a mixture of fresh greens, plants nibbled to the ground, and stacks and stacks of fresh rabbit poop... They've been hiding a secret... The garden has been coming alive, and they are having 10 course meals.

It's time to go 'caddy shack' again... and try to outwit these furry flea brained creatures. I'll try out new vegetables and see which ones they turn their noses up to and which ones might actually grace my table. I'll loudly make promises to plant enough for them if they just leave 60% for me... the little creeps will leave 20% if I'm lucky... Just look at how many of the plants survived in this bunch... :(

Two for me, five for nature... I long for the day where I will have the money to install a fence that will keep out the deer, and keep in my 180 pounds of four legged rabbit repellent... I do realize though... at that point I'll be blogging about wanting to string my mutts up by the tails for digging in my garden... Sigh...

For now, I'll appreciate that winter will be ending soon... and feel gladness in my heart as spring refreshes my spirit... peace in my soul as I touch the earth as the warm sun shines on my back... and I'll vow not to swerve when a rabbit hops across the country road before my home.

All pictures above were taken today in my garden.

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