Sunday, June 17, 2012

Aim For Panicky Mothers

My mother hadn't heard from me in ooooh 5 days so she started to panic...  She called and left a voice mail.. Out of sheer desperation she went looking for my blog to ensure I was still alive...  but I hadn't posted in a bit...  "OMG I know she's dead, or injured somewhere, in some small plane town"!!!

When I called her on the way home from work on Wednesday, she was quite relieved and pointed out I hadn't blogged recently...  "Mother, I was working.  Hard...." but it was more than that... I am simply.  Happy.  I don't have anything that I'm chewing on in my head that I need to write about to work through and let go of.

Today, I'm going to post a recap of the past week... So when Mom comes looking she'll see I still lived as of July 17 at 10:49 am eastern time lol...

Sunday June 10-Wednesday June 13

I flew 8122 miles in 4 days.  Averaging 15 hours a day at work, and a total of 30:17 flight time.  Anyone that knows the industry is reading this and feeling tired in empathy.

Day 3, a 15:47 duty day due to maintenance and weather... I'm still in DTW waiting to finally leave for DFW.  I love standing at the door and watching sunrises and sunsets...  Tonight's view I shouldn't be seeing...  I take a deep breath and enjoy the sky.

The morning of Day 4 I take a shower in my 'handicapped accessible" hotel room that I was given at 1am... and the shower seat falls down on my thigh... AHHHHHHH!  How is this supposed to help people in wheelchairs?  That's like adding insult to injury!  Or perhaps, this is how they secretly got there?  Hotels inflicting pain and suffering?

It's simply not my day, as I somehow hurt my shoulder blade too... I think it's just the exhaustion of this 4 day trip that has accidents happening around me that might not normally.  Thank god I'm flying with a mad man who's making me laugh hysterically the whole time.

Thursday June 14-Saturday June 16

Home again!  Avery attacks me immediately and demands time... I'd tell you more but he says it's private kitty business and the camera needs to be put down NOW.  "MEOW! BIOTCH it's MY time!"

With Avery happily settled in with me and his dogs, the kids finally come over to join us.  I need fresh air as I've been stuck in a metal tube, hurtling myself across the states at 275mph for 4 days... I declare it's pool time.  The kids ask me if I'm getting in... I give them my typical response... "It's not July, I don't get in pools til July"...  there's two reasons for this... one, southern pools aren't heated... and two, I'm more the read the book poolside with a drink gal, and this gives me the excuse to rotisserie my body in peace...

I spend the next two days either outside in my garden, at the pool, or inside bidding for next months flying schedule... The house cleaning will be done next week... really... Thank God I did it last week, because it's still looking... ok... (what dog hair where?  Each human has clean underwear in this house, so it's all good!)

Flowers are blooming... but I see signs of critters.  They eat and leave poop everywhere... I really need a fence lol.

My poor veggie garden is being decimated by deer this year... the beans were looking soooo nice... now look at them!

On a positive note, I ate blueberries, nectarines, strawberries, and a banana pepper during these two days.... OMG straight off the vine almost everything is perfection!

I do always like to end my blogs on positive notes... So let me start the end with the flowers that thrive despite the elements, the critters, and my lack of watering....  These flowers make me smile each time I come home... A little nature welcoming committee that never fails to lift my tired spirits.  I love wandering through the garden and finding spots to take pictures of to share with those I love.

This blue guy... He was on clearance for $5 (from $30)...  I knew he was a perennial so I took him home to find a place for him to love and live in my garden....  I wasn't sure he'd bloom this year, but bloom he did... even after I divided his root bound bottom... Half of him is on either side of my bird bath.

My hibiscus is the only true perennial hibiscus in the south... and it seems to thrive on the deer trimmings it gets each year... This is it's most glorious year yet... My boo always says "First year they sleep, second they creep, third they leap..."  My hibiscus is definitely on target year 3...

Day lilies are all over my garden... all shapes and sizes... tick weed is creeping.... cat mint is going to town...

All in all, my home is in it's normal state of controlled chaos, inside and out... Nothing is perfect, but nothing is horrid either... That's what life is all about... perfection would be boring, and you wouldn't see the beauty if you didn't notice the lil chips around the edges...

Speaking of seeing the beauty, almost every time I sleep at my boo's place I wake up early as the sun is rising and stare out at the amazing view as the city wakes up.  He sleeps happily through it... he barely notices that I've come and returned with the exception of a "grmmphiwuvugrmmph" his hand flings over my hip, pulls me closer and then, when all is right again in his sleepy lil world, back to the puffs of sleep I am used to from his lips...  I smile and hope that at least one of the pictures I've taken will begin to show the beauty I just saw... They never do... I need a good camera... but snuggle, sigh, eyes start to close again... I've got a great man... "grmmmpphhhiwuvu2sweethearrrrrgrrmmmph" zzzzzz

Now, most of y'all know my sense of humor... As I was waiting for my 4th flight yesterday I saw this poster and just started giggling... My boo and I have had this conversation many times... Bigger is not better... in fact, it's overrated in SOOO many ways...  I love the size of the planes I fly, and I always give great service... and boo... as you know, you're the perfect size for me.  :D

Mom, I love you... Tell Prof Happy Father's Day... Love him too... He's the best Step dad a girl could ask for.

It's 10:58 a.m. EST... I'm going for a run... I'll call you when I'm driving Tuesday... I promise.  :)

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